Social Media Apps
Alfa Bank and Aeroflot application for Facebook, which creates a video about the user's journey with photos of friends. Launched as part of the campaign 100,000 miles as a gift. The project was commissioned to increase the reach and user engagement. Sub-goal - to natively notify current and potential customers about the partnership and the launch of the action.
For points of influence, the most positive moments from the client’s life were used: travel and communication with friends. It was decided to present the information in the popular video graphics format in order to catch the attention of the audience. Our GoldApp team wrote a Facebook application that analyzed geotags, photos, friend lists, likes and comments on a user’s profile. Based on these user data, the application generated a dynamic video with positive music, where in a convenient for perception and humorous style the user received a story of his journey. During the development of the application, the speed of creating video was reduced, which led to an increase in the conversion rate for creating videos by 24%.
They created a Facebook application that you can share on your profile. To create this video, you had to subscribe to the Alfa-Bank community. As a result: - an increase in the number of subscribers in the Alfa-Bank community by 14%; - increasing the reach of the campaign among users who shared videos with friends on their pages; - the formation of a bunch of “positive user experiences = customer action”.
Alfabank and Aeroflot. 100,000 miles for free. Facebook app