Sites and Web Portals
2D browser-based layout tool of a garden, lawn or any other areas for placing irrigation systems and other elements. The client is the German company Gardena, a manufacturer of sprinklers and garden tools. End users do not have the skills to work with layout tools, they are gardeners, owners of their own plots. For this reason, the project is formed as simple and clear as possible. The task was to develop a program for self-layout of irrigation systems and their visual placement on the client's site. To develop an intuitive interface, the ability to design from a smartphone and on the desktop.
The project is implemented on a separate domain. The user is able to select a standard or free form of the site, the placement of objects, premises, and obstacles. The layout tool automatically configures irrigation systems based on the characteristics of the site, calculates the necessary elements for connecting to a water source. The constructor contains all the necessary information about the cost of elements for calculating and forming an order in the store, and is able to integrate with the accounting system of the customer company. There's a detailed training video for clients.
When using this tool, the most efficient arrangement of elements is implemented to simplify the calculation procedure for a client. After saving the site design, the layout is uploaded and the quantity of the necessary elements is calculated. All this information is sent to Gardena store selected by a user, where the customer can just pay for the order and wait for delivery and installation.
Garden with Irrigation System Layout Tool